Heard of “Flat Stanley”? I’m sure you’re a fan,
Now please meet “Flat Smileman”
Wherever you travel make sure you know,
He’s in your suitcase and ready to go.
He won’t cost you extra, not even to feed,
A picture with him is what we need,
A $50 Amazon Gift Card is what we will give,
For the most interactive, best family effort, and most creative.
So whether you travel near or far,
Or just relax in your backyard,
Take a picture with “Flat Smileman”
And enter our 3rd Annual contest as soon as you can!
You can pick up your Flat Smileman at our office during regular hours, or download them here:
Hipster and Unicorn Flat Smileman
Please hashtag your post with #FlatSmileman @GlaserOrthodontics or email it to nancy@glaserortho.com or lindsey@glaserortho.com* | Contest Ends on 9.9.19
*By submitting photos, participant agrees to allow Glaser Orthodontics to post photo on social media outlets and www.glaserortho.com.